Archaeological Survey
Archaeological Survey covers a wide variety of different types of investigation and recording. It could include a superficial extensive walkover of a landscape to identify previously unknown heritage assets, or to understand the context and setting for designated ones. It might comprise a programme of targeted collection of artefacts from the field surface, or a measured survey of a specific monument or building using conventional methods or digital technology.
For EIAs a baseline survey refers to the data gathering and existing condition study, from which it is possible to assess the degree of change and impact that might occur from a proposed development. For large estates an archaeological survey can provide information about what heritage assets are on their land, where they are and what value they have, so appropriate estate management plans can include safeguarding the historic elements within their ownership.
Internationally archaeological surveys might be the first opportunity that a specific community has had the chance for their cultural heritage to be recorded and offered an element of protection. Such surveys should also include inter-action with local groups so that their knowledge and beliefs are incorporated in the study. By these means compliance to international conventions and the criteria funding bodies wish to apply, can be demonstrated.
HHD&C have experience and skills in all these types of survey and are able to design and implement innovative approaches for all sorts of different scenarios to meet client needs.