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Conservation Area Appraisal

Conservation Area Appraisals are studies of the historic environment within an area that has been designated to safeguard its special architectural or historic interest. Conservation Areas are statutorily protected zones allocated by local planning authorities, so that the distinct character of each is recognised within the planning process.


According to the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act the special interest of these areas which justify their designation are required to be substantiated and regularly reviewed by the local authority, and subjected to public consultation so that appropriate management plans can be drawn up. Such documentation helps with establishing what is important and sensitive to change within a conservation area, and allows development which enhances rather than detracts from the character of the conservation area.

At HHD&C we have experience of undertaking character appraisals and assessing the potential impacts of a proposed scheme within conservation areas or their setting. We can also advise on the design, its scale and mass, architectural style and materials, so that any application can demonstrate it has appropriately addressed potential issues before submission. 


Telephone: 07856 371936


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Hampton Heritage Design & Consultancy Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 12834937

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