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Heritage Statement & Impact Assessment (HIA)

Due diligence, feasibility studies and the planning process can all require different levels of input from heritage professionals to advise on issues that relate to the historic environment. At an early stage in project planning the potential risks to costs and land acquisition that might occur from heritage constraints should be identified to enable appropriate management decisions. HHD&C's input at these initial stages as part of the design team, benefits the scheme by helping to realize its potential and ensure unnecessary costs and delays are avoided.

As the project develops further, information and analysis will be necessary to appropriately assess the heritage significance and implications this may have for development. Pre-application consultation benefits from an initial review of the historic environment and so that key elements can be agreed that would become the subject of more detailed studies.

Heritage Statements are often asked for as a preliminary supporting document to validate an application. These should clarify the potential of the historic environment and any major constraints it might pose to development. Heritage Impact Assessments are generally a more intensive study focused on specific components of the historic environment that have the potential to be affected by proposed development. They are similar in scope to Environmental Impact Assessments, but for a single discipline, so that both potential direct and indirect impacts and enhancements can be articulated to help with determination of a planning decision. 


Telephone: 07856 371936


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Hampton Heritage Design & Consultancy Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 12834937

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