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Statement of Significance

A statement of significance refers to what the heritage importance of an asset might be, whether it is an historic building, an upstanding monument, buried remains, or a designed landscape. The concept of heritage significance of an asset underpins the approach adopted by all parts of the UK towards how planning matters should be determined, and is included in a wide range of policy and guidance within all jurisdictions. 

HHD&C are experienced in interpreting historic assets in their setting, and articulating what is of fundamental significance. Historic England has produced an advice note (12) which specifically addresses Statements of Significance for heritage assets, and each jurisdiction has its own, but similar, guidance on conservation of the historic environment. The approach we take is to apply criteria such as what the heritage interests and values are, to build a robust evidence base for assessing the significance of an asset or group of assets.


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Hampton Heritage Design & Consultancy Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company No. 12834937

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